Avon Tennis Leagues

The Avon County League has its own website which is easy to use and find all the information you need:  https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/AvonCountyLeagues

The Avon League is open to all clubs who are LTA registered, but not just those in the Avon County catchment area. Leagues run throughout the year, are in a doubles format and accommodate all playing standards.

Entering a Team(s) - The Avon League Committee will contact each registered club and venue in advance of the league season starting. Once the registration period for entries is open it will necessary for the entry fee (£20 for each team) to be paid via: /pay

Under the "Reason for Payment" please select the appropriate heading "Avon Tennis League - XYZ League" AND in the reference field please enter your club/venue name followed by the number of teams entered, i.e.  "Deuce Tennis Club x 2"

For previous winners go to the Avon Tennis League website.