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  2. Safeguarding


Avon Tennis is committed to offering a safe and inclusive environment for players, relatives, parents, and friends, wherever tennis is enjoyed in the County. In particular the safety of juniors (those aged under 18) and "vulnerable" adults is of the upmost priority.

Throughout all of our organised activities we adhere to the LTA's Safeguarding policies and procedures which are available on the LTA website: https://www.lta.org.uk/about-us/safeguarding-protection/

Avon Tennis own Safeguarding Statement and its full policy are available via the following links:

Safeguarding Policy Statement

Full Safeguarding Policy - September 2023

And, the County Safeguarding Officers are: Ian Alexander and Emily Churchill and both are available to offer advice and guidance when required. Just contact them by email: safeguarding@avontennis.org.uk


IF you do have a concern or need to report anything, however small, you can:

If someone is in immediate danger, do not delay, call the police (999)

Please remember at all times, that doing nothing is NOT an option, Report all concerns and disclosures as soon as possible.