Avon Tennis top stories

* Bristol and Bath Junior Spring Tournament was great and well done to those who braved the bad weather. Play was excellent and a great week was had. Thank you to staff, parents and volunteers and to Lansdown for hosting. http://avontennis.org.uk/bristol-bath-hardcourt-championships/

* Congratulations to the Avon County LTA Tennis Award winners. Extra excitement for Connie Simpson, Young Person of the Year Award and Mark Taber, Volunteer of the Year Award, who won the Regional round too. They will be presented at Queens in June and go through to the Nationals where they could be presented at Wimbledon - fingers crossed.


Avon BTA Winners 2018

* County Jackets are all delivered to players and they look great. Wear them with pride.

* 14u County Cup this weekend, from Sat 4th-Mon 6th. Good luck teams and thank you to coaches.

* Mens Open and 35+ County Trials are on this Sunday 3-6pm at David Lloyd Westbury. Interested? Contact Dave Gibbon: dgibbon73@gmail.com

* Avon and South West coaches attended a workshop run by the LTA, all about Squad Training Principles for Counties. Coaches found it informative and useful to compare ideas.